• Key Sub-elements:
  • Beyond the agent and the environment, four main sub-elements define a reinforcement learning system:
    • Policy
    • Reward Signal
    • Value Function
    • Model of the Environment (optional)

1. Policy:

  • Definition:
    • A policy is the agent’s strategy for behaving at any given time.
    • It maps perceived states of the environment to actions to be taken when in those states.
  • Relation to Psychology:
    • A policy can be likened to a set of stimulus-response rules or associations in psychology.
  • Complexity:
    • Policies can range from simple functions or lookup tables to complex computations, such as those involving search processes.
  • Core of RL:
    • The policy is central to a reinforcement learning agent, as it alone determines behavior.
    • Policies can also be stochastic, meaning they might involve randomness in choosing actions.

2. Reward Signal:

  • Definition:
    • The reward signal defines the goal in a reinforcement learning problem.
    • At each time step, the environment provides the agent with a reward (a single number).
  • Objective:
    • The agent’s primary goal is to maximize the total reward over the long run.
    • The reward signal represents the immediate and defining features of the problem the agent faces.
  • Reward Influence:
    • The reward received by the agent depends on its actions and the current state of the environment.
    • The agent cannot directly alter the reward process but can influence it through its actions.
  • Example:
    • Phil’s internal reinforcement learning agent might receive different reward signals depending on how hungry he is or his mood when eating breakfast.
  • Adaptation:
    • If an action yields low reward, the policy may be adjusted to select a different action in the future.
    • Reward signals may also be stochastic functions of the state of the environment and the actions taken.

3. Value Function:

  • Immediate vs. Long-term:
    • The reward signal indicates what is beneficial in the short term, while the value function specifies what is good in the long run.
  • Definition:
    • The value of a state is the total expected reward an agent can accumulate over time, starting from that state.
  • Relation to Rewards:
    • Rewards determine the immediate desirability of environmental states.
    • Values, however, indicate the long-term desirability, considering the states that are likely to follow and the rewards available in those states.
  • Example:
    • A state with low immediate reward may have a high value if it regularly leads to states with high rewards.
    • Conversely, a state with high immediate reward might have a low value if it leads to less desirable future states.
  • Human Analogy:
    • Rewards are similar to pleasure (high rewards) and pain (low rewards).
    • Values correspond to a refined judgment of how satisfied or dissatisfied we are with our environment’s state.

Rewards vs. Values:

  • Primary vs. Secondary:
    • Rewards are primary in reinforcement learning because they are directly provided by the environment and serve as the foundation for defining values.
    • Values are secondary as they are predictions of future rewards.
  • Purpose of Values:
    • Without rewards, there would be no values, and the main purpose of estimating values is to achieve more rewards in the long run.
  • Decision-Making Based on Values:
    • When making and evaluating decisions, values are more important because they guide actions that lead to states with the highest long-term rewards.
    • Agents seek actions that bring about states of highest value, not necessarily highest immediate reward, to maximize total rewards over time.
  • Difficulty in Estimating Values:
    • Determining values is harder than determining rewards because values must be estimated and constantly updated based on observations over the agent’s entire lifetime.
  • Importance of Value Estimation:
    • Value estimation is a crucial component of most reinforcement learning algorithms.
    • Efficient methods for estimating values are considered one of the most significant advancements in reinforcement learning over recent decades.

4. Model of the Environment:

  • Definition:
    • A model of the environment is a system that mimics how the environment behaves or allows inferences to be made about future states and rewards.
  • Use in Planning:
    • Models are used for planning, which involves deciding on actions by considering possible future situations before they are actually experienced.
    • Given a state and action, the model predicts the next state and the next reward.
  • Model-Based vs. Model-Free Methods:
    • Methods that use models and planning are referred to as model-based methods.
    • Model-free methods rely on trial-and-error learning without planning and are considered the opposite of planning.
  • Learning with Models:
    • Modern reinforcement learning spans from simple trial-and-error approaches to advanced methods that involve both learning a model and using it for planning.
    • Later we will explore reinforcement learning systems that simultaneously learn by trial and error, develop a model of the environment, and use the model for planning, demonstrating the range from low-level learning to high-level planning.

This detailed breakdown highlights the distinction between rewards and values, the importance of value estimation, and the role of models in planning within reinforcement learning systems.

By Ashis

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